Calling 9-1-1
Call 911 when you need the presence of a police officer, firefighter or rescue squad.
If ever in doubt about whether or not to dial 911, please dial 911 and we will help you decide what level of help you need.
When calling for the police we will ask:
- The exact location of the problem
- What is happening
- If the suspects are still in the area/descriptive information
- Direction of travel of suspects
- Verification of your location and telephone number
- Who we should send the officer to meet with and where
We may keep you on the phone to update information or to give instructions if an incident is in progress or if you request we stay on the phone.

When calling for a rescue squad we will ask:
- The exact location of the patient
- What has happened & questions related to their present condition
- Applicable medical history (if known)
- Age/sex/level of consciousness of the patient
- Verification of your location and telephone number
We may keep you on the phone to give pre-arrival instructions with such incidents as cardiac/respiratory arrest, child birth and uncontrolled bleeding or if you request we stay on the phone.
When calling for firefighters we will ask:
- The exaction location of the fire/smoke or odor
- What is on fire
- How big is the fire
- Questions related to what is on fire i.e. anyone in the house? Anyone hurt?
- Any exposure problems
- Verification of your location and telephone number

We will dispatch police, fire or rescue to assist with the emergency.
Our administrative/non-emergency number is 434-977-9041