Citizen Connect
Law Enforcement Data
Citizen Connect is a highly configurable geospatial interface that connects community members and elected officials with information about their government services. Use this tool to view crime, traffic incidents, and other key service information for a given general vicinity, and to explore, analyze, and sign up for alerts around the data.

Fire/EMS Data
In addition to its core functionality of sending alerts to lay responders in the event of a CPR-needed emergency, PulsePoint also provides users with the ability to view active and recent fire/EMS incidents, track current unit statuses, and listen to live streams of dispatch and tactical radio traffic for the Charlottesville Fire Department and Albemarle County Fire Rescue.
ECC Performance Data
The Performance Data page offers access to information sourced from our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and telephone systems. This tool allows users to track trends related to the volume, nature, and quality of the ECC’s work over time.